"A witch and a witch hunter bound in holy matrimony. There was only one way such a story could end--a stake and a match."
The Lowdown
Two years ago Louise le Blanc ran away from her coven and made a new home in Cesarine. She abandoned her magic and stole to survive. In Cesarine witches are hunted, staked, and burned.
Reid Diggory is a Chasseur, a huntsman. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. The words instilled in him as an orphaned child taken in by the Church.
When Lou pulls a stunt that brings her and Reid together again, it seals their fate in a permanent way, marriage. Now they must learn to put up with each other. With Lou's feelings growing stronger and the witches' attacks becoming more frequent, she's having a hard time telling Reid the truth. But sometimes life has a way of giving you no choice.
Written from viewpoint of Lou and Reid, first person.
The Feels
I absotively posilutely loved this book. Basically read it twice. I love the sass of Lou. I fell in love with the characters and loved how in depth the backstories were. I bought the whole series!! Props to Shelby for this awesome book. Be sure to check below for the second in the series and suggestion for another tragic romance.
Some fun quotes from the book:
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but you need to look in the mirror. There's a special circle in Hell for liars and hypocrites, Your Eminence. Perhaps I'll see you there."
"Why the fuck is everyone in this kingdom trying to murder my wife?"
Overall Rating: 5.0 Stars
Recommendations: Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin, The Wrath & the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh
Content Warning: Swearing, Sexual Situations, Violence, Murder (Includes burning people alive), Death, Sacrifice, Assault, Blackmail, Self-Harm, Abandonment, Sexism
Steam: Oh My, Not There